What about Sponsoring ?
Keepalived is a freeware which doesnt really mean Free of any expenses.
Efforts made on this project are targetting long term support and evolution.
After more than 20 years of maturation, the current code has reached the initial
goals and roadmap I firstly fixed and is ready for the next step. Making the code
widely accessible and open offers a way to improve robustness and quickly merge nice
ideas coming along. This code is running on very large infrastructures in numerous of
data centers, ISP, hardware/software vendors all around the world. If you think you
can help by offering sponsoring for a Keepalived release then you are right ! lot
of new ideas are around, more than time :)
By the past, the following sponsors offered their help by funding addition of new
features :
January 2011 - PCEXTREME & PICTURA jointly sponsored IPv6 extension
Global IPv6 support in Keepalived has been jointly sponsored by
PCEXTREME. Special thanks go to tech team
at PCEXTREME and PICTURA for time spent on testing and reporting issues. Please
visit sponsors websites ! Focus for this release has been made on a massive code
rewrite to fully support IPv6 in VRRP and IPVS frameworks.
May 2003 - Tiscover AG sponsored security and core daemon re-design
Security extensions and core daemon re-design has been sponsored
by Tiscover AG, thanks go to their IT team and
especially to Jacob Rief for design discussions
and testing time. Please visit sponsor Homepage
This release is a major daemon re-design to increase
security and availability of Keepalived itself.
The daemon is split into 3 process, one parent
and 2 childrens. Parent monitor children availability.
One children for VRRP and another for Healthcheckers.
Added support to a modularized watchdog framework.
Watchdog estart children if they die or enter
scheduling deadloop. Splitted parsing keyword
tree for each relevant daemon. Added dedicated
syslog facility for each children. Modularized
parser. Extended pidfile & memory framework.
Fixed a virtual_server_group issue while reloading
conf. Extended IPVS wrapper. Extended netlink
code to support scope selection.
July 2003 - IBM sponsored VRRP performances extensions
VRRP high performance and optimization extensions has been sponsored by IBM.
Added support to a global shared
buffer for incoming advert handling. Added support
to pre-allocated shared buffer for outgoing adverts.
Extended socket pool design to support shared fd for
outbound channel. Added support to static_ipaddress
as global keyword. Extended track_interface to support
multiple interface tracking. Review the instance lookup
design to use o(1) scheduling design to reduce VRRP
scheduling jitter using a customized hash index. Review
the sync_group design to speed up synchronization
using a pre-computed index. Optimized VRRP timer fd
lookup using a one pass lookup. Bradley Baetz, extended
the scheduler framework to support child process handling.
Bradley Baetz, fixed the misc_check healthchecker
using new thread child scheduling facility. Added
support to a shared kernel netlink command channel.
Extended logging code to support verbose log output.
Extended gratuitous ARP code to support shared buffer
and shared socket. Fixed a gratuitous ARP issue, extended
the code for sending garp over device ipaddess belong
to. Extended the ipaddress framework to point directly
to interface reflected by netlink channel instead
of storing device index. Extended VRRP scheduling
timer computation to support timer auto-recalibration
to provide overhead auto-adaptation. Extended VRRP
scheduler to support fd hash table design, this speed
up instance lookup while computing instance sands.
Extended vrrp new socket creation to replace refreshed
instance fd into fd hash table index. Extended vrrp
framework to support blank virtual_ipaddress block.
Extended watchdog framework to support polling delay
selection via daemon command line. Extended the genhash
code to support verbose output selection, command
arg '-v' will generate a very verbose output. list
library has been extended to support multi-sized list
& specific element deletion. Some name clean-up,
cosmetics extensions.
April 2003 - edNET sponsored loadbalancing framework extensions
Loadbalancing framewok extensions has been sponsored by edNET,
This release added support to virtual_server_group
that provide support for real_server to belong
to multiple virtual_server without launching a
bunch of healthcheckers. Extended the differentiate
configuration parser to support virtual_server_group
differentiate entries and preserve IPVS working
topology. Added support to IP address range support
for virtual_server_group. SIGCHLD extension. Extended
VRRP virtual_routes to support source route selection.
Some cosmetics patches.
March 2003 - Ecomdevel LLC sponsored VRRP extensions
VRRP framewok extensions has been sponsored by Ecomdevel LLC,
Extended netlink kernel reflection to support
routings. Added support to static_routes set/removed
during daemon bootstrap/shutdown. Added support
to virtual_routes set/removed according to VRRP
FSM. Extended virtual_ipaddress and virtual_ipaddress_excluded
block to specify dedicated device interface for
each ipaddress. Added support to track_interface
for interface state monitoring (same as HSRP).
Rewrote the VRRP VIP & E-VIP memory representation.
Optimized code dependence selection. Enhanced
HTTP|SSL checkers to support 2KB buffer lenght
GET query. Some cosmetics and code cleaning work.