2004-04-05 | Release 1.1.7 - Minor Bug Fixes
Added some assertion tests in memory framework. Fixed
a VRRP issue using syncd configuration. Some cosmetics
patches in Makefiles and autoconf. Jacob Rief put THC
enabled release here.
Thomas Halwax contributed writing a scripting
framework for VRRP notify helpers.
2004-02-23 | Release 1.1.6 - Bug Fixes
Fixed a VRRP scheduling issues. Fixed a linkbeat
issues. Extended ipvswrapper code to support 2.6 kernel
IPVS code. Updated autoconf and Makefiles to support
2.6 kernel IPVS code. Extended VRRP dropping strategy
to siliently drop bogus incoming adverts. Somes cosmetics
2004-01-25 | Release 1.1.5 - Enhancements
Created Keepalived manpages. Fixed a VRRP length
issue while testing password field for auth_pass method.
Fixed a watchdog quick loop timer. Extended scheduler
to support stable scheduling time. Updated default
media link failure detection strategy. Some cosmetics
2003-12-29 | Release 1.1.4 - Enhancements
Updated autoconf script. Extended daemon design to
work-around the SMP forking issue. Extended media link
failure detection to support linkwatch subsystem. Extended
MII BMSR polling to be fully asynchronous. Optimized
a VRRP timer computation. Some cosmetic patches. Wrote
a small paper explaining LinkWatch design
from Stefan Rompf, <sux <at> loplof <dot> de>.
2003-09-29 | Release 1.1.3 - Enhancements
Extended ip address framework to support broadcast
ip address selection. Extended scheduling framework
to support long timer and micro-sec second overlap.
Extended VRRP and checkers frameworks to support new
scheduling long timer. Added support to main daemon
log_level selection. Extended HTTP checker to support
non blocking read. Fixed a notify script issue. Extended
scheduling framework to support child thread while computing
global scheduling timer. Extended VRRP FSM to support
BACKUP state notifiers and smtp_alert during VRRP initialization.
2003-09-08 | Release 1.1.2 - Enhancements
Extended healthchecker framework to support multiple
checkers per realserver. Extended TCP, HTTP & SSL
checkers to support binding selection. Reviewed the
watchdog calling location, watchdog is reinitialized
during a daemon reload event. Extended the global parser
to support default handlers. Fixed some code dependencies.
Extended VRRP ethtool code to detect ETHTOOL_GLINK availability.
Fixed some VRRP IPSEC issues. Fixed a bug while setting
static_ipaddress. Fixed a VRRP reloading issue introducing
a noisy daemon crash.
2003-07-24 | Release 1.1.1 - Bug fixes
Fixed a VRRP dereferencing pointer while processing
configuration file reload. Fixed misc checker to perform
server state according to checker result.
2003-07-22 | Release 1.1.0 - High Performance extensions
This release is focused on VRRP high performance
and optimizations. Added support to a global shared
buffer for incoming advert handling. Added support
to pre-allocated shared buffer for outgoing adverts.
Extended socket pool design to support shared fd for
outbound channel. Added support to static_ipaddress
as global keyword. Extended track_interface to support
multiple interface tracking. Review the instance lookup
design to use o(1) scheduling design to reduce VRRP
scheduling jitter using a customized hash index. Review
the sync_group design to speed up synchronization
using a pre-computed index. Optimized VRRP timer fd
lookup using a one pass lookup. Bradley Baetz, extended
the scheduler framework to support child process handling.
Bradley Baetz, fixed the misc_check healthchecker
using new thread child scheduling facility. Added
support to a shared kernel netlink command channel.
Extended logging code to support verbose log output.
Extended gratuitous ARP code to support shared buffer
and shared socket. Fixed a gratuitous ARP issue, extended
the code for sending garp over device ipaddess belong
to. Extended the ipaddress framework to point directly
to interface reflected by netlink channel instead
of storing device index. Extended VRRP scheduling
timer computation to support timer auto-recalibration
to provide overhead auto-adaptation. Extended VRRP
scheduler to support fd hash table design, this speed
up instance lookup while computing instance sands.
Extended vrrp new socket creation to replace refreshed
instance fd into fd hash table index. Extended vrrp
framework to support blank virtual_ipaddress block.
Extended watchdog framework to support polling delay
selection via daemon command line. Extended the genhash
code to support verbose output selection, command
arg '-v' will generate a very verbose output. list
library has been extended to support multi-sized list
& specific element deletion. Some name clean-up,
cosmetics extensions.
2003-05-19 | Software Design Update
Updated the Software Design page to introduce new
Keepalived internal design (watchdog, parser splitting, ..)
2003-05-12 | Release 1.0.3

2003-04-14 | Release 1.0.2

2003-03-18 | Release 1.0.1

2003-02-25 | IETF Draft
Wrote the draft-ietf-vrrp-ipsecah-spec
paper to present VRRP stack implementation of IPSEC-AH
authentication method.
2003-02-16 | Website & Soft Design
Reviewed the website design and created a documentation
explaining the Keepalived internal software
2003-01-13 | Release 1.0.0
This is the FIRST STABLE and production ready RELEASE.
Enhanced initscript. Added support to ha_suspend.
Extended real_server block to support notify_up and
notify_down script launch. Set default realserver
weight to 1. Fixed a layer4.c issue. Reviewed the
SIGCHLD handler. Extended parser to support ecapsulated
quoted string. More logging messages. Review HTTP|SSL
retry code. Added VRRP sync_group smtp_alert support.
Fixed some IPSEC_AH seq_num synchronizations. Extended
the VRRP TSM. Some VRRP FSM state optimizations. Extended
parser to support sync_group declaration before or
after instances declarations. Created keepalived.conf.SYNOPSIS
file to describe all keywords available.
2002-11-21 | Release 0.7.6
Created a common code lib. Rewrote the genhash utility.
Review autoconf and Makefiles scripts. Created an html
util lib. Extended HTTP and SSL checkers to support
remote webserver HTTP header status_code. Modularized
the md5sum stream handling for HTTP and SSL checkers.
Fixed a premature socket fd close during SMTP notification
in HTTP and SSL code. Rewrote the gratuitous ARP code.
Some VRRP messages logging. Fixed an issue during VRRP
packet building. Remove the previous VRRP ARP packet
building. Rewrote the VRRP packet sending process. Extended
the interface lib. Extended the VRRP code to support
IPSEC-AH authentication. Optimize the VRRP TSM. Some
cosmetics patches. Consider this release as a 1.0.0
STABLE release candidate code.
2002-09-18 | Release 0.7.1
Fixed a misc_check register issue.Extended ipfwwrapper
to select ipchains setting or not. Added a gratuitous
ARP delayed thread for VRRP MASTER state transition.
Review the gratuitous ARP helper function to only send
ARP when VRRP VIPs are set. Review the whole VRRP FSM
to prevent against junky flapping issues. Added support
to a Transition State Matrix (TSM) design to speed synchronization.
Optimize the VRRP FAULT state fallback synchronization.
Extended the VRRP smtp notifier to notify transition
to MASTER or BACKUP states. Adam
Fletcher created the LVS-NAT
+ Keepalived HOWTO.
2002-08-06 | Release 0.6.10
Fixed a VRRP VIPs reflection set flag issue. Fixed
a VRRP framework code selection issue.
2002-08-01 | Release 0.6.9
Added support to reload configuration file on the
fly on SIGHUP receive. Fixed some code dependencies.
Added 2 new daemon arguments that permit to not release
VRRP VIPs and IPVS topology on daemon stop. Fixed a
MISC_CHECK forking issue. Review IPVS wrapper to use
allocated IPVS rules. Extended keepalived.init redhat
script to support restart and reload arguments. Fixed
some typo. Some code cleanup.
2002-07-27 | MASTER LVS website crashed down.
Our primary LVS website has terribly crashed down
!!! Horms offers
vergenet temp
hosting with a dynamic content replication provided
by Super Sparrow
technology. Set Keepalived website to sourceforge as
backup location.
2002-07-16 | Release 0.6.8
Fixed a SMTP stream handling assertion. Added support
to inhibit_on_failure for a real_server, this set real_server
weight to 0 if checker report a failure. Added kernel
check for netlink support.
2002-07-12 | Release 0.6.7
Rewrote the SMTP notifier framework to use strong
FSM design. Extended the VRRP multicast membership subscription
to not degrade global scheduling timer on retry. Fixed
a buffer overflow during the sending advert interface
binding process. Some more cosmetics patches.
2002-07-08 | Release 0.6.6
Fine the coding style. Review the code source tree.
Review Makefile(s) for better code selection on libipvs
and libipfwc, added code dependence. Added modprobe_ipvs()
during ipvswrapper bootstrap. Review the ipvswrapper
to only stop daemon on criticals events. Extend VRRP
framework bootstrap sequence to handle interface in
shut state during intialization. Updated TODO list.
Some cosmetics patches.
2002-07-01 | Release 0.6.5
Review the coding style. Fixed a null pointer exception.
Added RedHat spec file. some cosmetics patches.
2002-06-25 | Release 0.6.4
Rewrote previous ip address convertion utilities.
Extented VRRP notify script to vrrp_sync_group. Added
support to libipvs. Some cosmetics patches.
2002-06-18 | Release 0.6.3
Fixed a vrrp_sync_group flapping issue. Fixed autoconf/automake
issues. Cosmetics patches.
2002-06-16 | Release 0.6.2
Enhanced autoconf/automake scripts. Fixed some
memory issues. Enhanced SMTP notification framework.
2002-06-13 | Release 0.6.1
Added support to CI/SSI heathcheckers mechanism.
Linked Healthcheckers activities with Kernel netlink
reflector. Review the VRRP synchronization policy
to sync many instances at a time. Added support
to CIDR notation for VRRP VIPs declarations. Added
support to VRRP mcast src ip address selection
in adverts. Extented link media failure detection
to support ETHTOOL interface. Updated the UserGuide.pdf.
2002-05-30 | Release 0.5.9
Started a realserver_group definition integration.
Review the VRRP script notification. Added support
to quoted strings for VRRP script config. Added
a VRRP protocol extension "virtual_ipaddress_excluded".
More logging facility. Review the VRRP FSM to
use more conventional design. Fixed a VRRP instance
state flapping issue.
2002-05-21 | Release 0.5.8
Added an OpenSSL Licence exception. Added connection
port selection for healthcheckers. Fixed IPVS
exclusion code selection. Added support to VirtualHost
selection using HTTP|SSL_GET checkers. Review
IPVS syncd state transition. Added support to
quoted string for MISC_CHECK. Fixed a VRRP passwd
length exception. Enhance VRRP MASTER state.
2002-05-02 | Release 0.5.7
Review autoconf/automake scripts to permit framework
compiling selection. Fixed a SSL stream handling
bug. Fixed somes issues in configuration file
parser. Limit maximum number of VRRP VIPs to 20
per VRRP Instance. Added IPVS wrapper framework
support to persistence granularity mask. Added
support to smtp notification for VRRP MASTER state
transition. Fixed the UserGuide.pdf.
2002-04-13 | Release 0.5.6
Fixed some state machine side effects. Registered
keepalived domains.
2002-04-10 | Release 0.5.5
As a VRRP bugfixes & rewrite. Review the
VRRP data structure. Remove ioctl system call.
Created a NIC interface library. Created a kernel
netlink reflector instead of delayed poller. Added
support to NIC that supports MII transceiver,
monitoring MII BMSR into a delayed MII status
register thread poller. Review the VRRP state
machine to be more robust. Better multicast handling.
Added support LVS sync daemon. Review automake/autoconf
scripts. Some cosmetics patches. !!! WARN !!!
IPSEC-AH support need to be tuned for sequence
number synchronization in fallback state !!!WARN !!!
2002-02-25 | Release 0.5.3
Added autoconf/automake scripts. Rewrite configuraiton
file parser to use some compiler design. Re-design
global data strucuture. Created some template
library (vector, list). Created a checker API.
Fixed an SSL stream handling race condition. Revisited
the hole code to use new templates structures.
Finish to stabilise the framework.
Created the Keepalived User Guide. Patched a
vrrp scheduling memory leak (GCC bug). Jan review
memory management framework. Some cosmetics patches.
Fine vrrp vips handling.
Created the Keepalived LOGO.
2001-12-10 | Release 0.4.9
Added memory managment framework. Added support
to SSL_GET. Rewrote HTTP_GET to use fully asynchronous
stream handling. Patched some memory leaks. Added
command lines arguements. Added a bootstrap delay
for checkers registration. Added possibility to
launch extra script during VRRP state transition.
Some cosmetics patches. Rewrote the genhash utility.
Started keepalived checkers API specs. Thanks
goes to Jan Holmberg for nice thoughts (look at
changelog file).
2001-11-21 | Release 0.4.8
Rewrite the whole VRRP previous code. Created
a hierarchic scheduling framework for VRRP Instances
(de)multiplexing. Created a socket pool thread
register. Review the VRRP multicast binding for
outbound/inbound binding. Created a VRRP packet
dispatcher to handle VRRP Instances finites states.
Created a VRRP Instances synchronization for Instance
monitoring. Rewrite the netlink interface. Remove
the VRRP VMAC handling. Patched pidfile handling.
Patched global scheduling timer race condition.
Created a paper presenting VRRP internals implementation.
Started VRRP documentation.
2001-11-04 | Release 0.3.8
Added support to native LVS iptable code. Added
support to LVS Direct routing & tunneling.
Review the keepalived.init script to be plateforme
independent. Some cosmetics patch.
2001-09-14 | Release 0.3.7
Added support to LVS kernel 2.4 implementation.
Right now keepalived support both LVS release,
LVS for kernel 2.2 and kernel 2.4.
2001-08-24 | DevShot 0.4.0
Added a new devel branch. Added VRRP support
using our sheduling I/O multiplexer. VRRP implementation
support IPSEC-AH using HMAC-MD5-96bits. Added
netlink kernel routing table fetcher for VRRP.
Added support to dropping bogus VRRP packets.
!!! WARN !!! VRRP code is stable with one instance...
the code still under heavy hacking !!! WARN !!!
2001-08-24 | Release 0.3.6
Patched some race conditions. Eric Jarman added
MISC CHECKER, It Perform a system call to run
an extra system or script.
2001-07-15 | Release 0.3.5
Rewrite the whole previous code. Added multithreaded
framework using an I/O multiplexer. Rewrite the
signal handling, log event using syslog, pidfile
handling, configuration file parser, smtp connector,
IPVS & IPFW wrappers. Added support for NAT
mask on IP MASQ rules. Rewrite checkers. Added
sorry server facility.Futur work : Since we have now a strong scheduling framework, will work on the VRRP integration using "monitored circuit" for LVS. New checkers (LDAP, RADIUS, SSL).
Contributed to the VRRP implementation made
by jerome etienne. Added IPSEC-AH using HMAC-MD5-96bits.
Added some enhancements. Will be added into the
next keepalived release to add director "keepalive"
(failover). Please refer to the download page.
Update the documentation with the "Keepalived
Quick Start Guide".
2001-03-31 | Release 0.2.7
Minor bugfixes, cosmetics patches, added ip
firewall kernel wrapper. Entering in a documentation
2001-03-06 | Release 0.2.6
Review the dynamic data structure. Added configuration
keywords. Move libmd to L. Peter Deutsch independent
md5 implementation. Added an smtpwrapper for mail
alerte notification (using nonblock/timeouted
tcp connection). Move half open connection check
to vanilla tcp check (using a nonblock/so_linger/timeouted
tcp connection). Review the initial HTTP GET initial
implementation, added support for multi-url http
get check over the same tcp service (usefull for
http servers owning multiple applications servers),
added HTTP GET retry, added delay before get retry.Futur work : Using thread, adding HSRP protocol RFC2281 support, adding SSL get check, adding tcp stream parser, adding Service Level Agreement (SLA) statistic informations, create an ASN.1 frameset to administrate the daemon & LVS services (needed for handling keepalive facility using DR or TUN LVS topology), ... and the folk.
2001-01-02 | Release 0.2.3
Patch the TCP/ICMP checks functions adding a
two level timer.
2000-12-22 | Release 0.2.1
Initial release as version 0.2.1. This software
must be considered as a stable beta version.